RETHINKING CONSENT workshop – January 18, 6 PM Berlin time

7.00 - 25.00

Even though consent has become a much more discussed topic in the past decade, it is mostly only limited to sexual consent. However, negotiating consent is constantly present in our everyday lives, and often, the now preached "no means no" is not respected as much in such situations. There is a great culture of coercion and pressure in our society, and without addressing that, we cannot really make much change in the issue of sexual consent, sexual violence, and coercion. So, let's unpack that now!

In this workshop, we will focus on how (non-)consent is manufactured and normalized, analyzing worldwide practices to our personal experiences. We will dissect the ways coercion affects our everyday lives and it makes it hard for ourselves to not let ourselves be coerced into something, or coerce others in turn. We will also search for ways to advocate for our own consent and boundaries.

This 1.5 hour workshop will cover:
🫂 definition of consent and boundaries
🫂 examples of non-sexual consent in our society
🫂 reflections on normalization of coercion – towards children or the elderly, through media, as a tool of medicalized ableism or incarceration
🫂 exploration of (non-)consent in sexual situations
🫂 self-reflection on personal experience with having our consent disrespected AND disrespecting others' consent
🫂 building a personal consent toolkit
🫂 Q&A

The workshop will be held in English
🕐 Time: Saturday January 18, 6-7:30 PM
📍 Place: Google Meet

PAY WHAT YOU CAN – you can choose your own contribution from 7-25 EUR depending on your own financial situation.

If you miss this specific workshop, you can reuse the ticket at any other independent workshop I host – just reach out to me 💗